How does Someone Overcome Laziness? (Part 1)

Some people would say that they are congenitally lazy. The scientific explanation is that our brain makes us repeat actions that release more dopamine. If you like watching TV shows, you would spend a lot of time watching them. I personally love running, so I feel an urge to run every day, even though my friends think it’s bizarre. But anyways, you already know that. Let’s talk about how we can overcome this laziness.

First, we must come to a resolution and accept that there is no escaping this responsibility. We can start by building up habits to make our bodies and our brains get used to completing these tasks at hand. The book called Atomic Habits is a great read and I would highly encourage everyone to read it. It basically tells us that small, incremental changes can lead to significant results over time. And that habits are compounded interest in self-improvement.

A lot of the time is about understanding the urgency of certain tasks, like what we always say, when there is homework due, we procrastinate until the very last day. When you feel responsibility kind of pressing on you, hence the sense of urgency, you would start right away instead of on the last day. This is especially important when you get to college because college counselors and professors have so much on their hands, they have no time to babysit their students, unless the students go to their counselors with problems, they won’t sit next to you and say you need to do this or do that, some people did okay in high school because there’s all these people around them and guiding them, and when they get to college, poor time management and lack of discipline is really detrimental to our grades.

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